30 December 2009

My Ongoing Brownie Battle

Since I was diagnosed with an egg allergy about 8 years ago, I've been trying various egg substitutes in recipes. I have something that works for most cakes and other odds and ends, but I've never been able to successfully make brownies without eggs.

Maybe I'm too picky when it comes to foods. But darn it, I have culinary standards!

Things have, of course, gotten even more difficult since the wheat allergy. But I'm still trying. Perhaps in vain.

So I lamented my latest attempt of trying to make the Namaste brownie mix. This time I used ground flax seeds instead of the egg replacer. It turned out as a gooey mess--not really changing from a batter into a baked good. I was complaining about it on Twitter, and had a Holistic Health nutritionist post a recipe for me to try. The original recipe is here.

Well, water is boring. And I don't have walnut or grape seed oil. And I don't have xylitol (although I wish I did. Good stuff.) So here's how I modified it.

4 T canola oil
2/3 c Splenda
1/2 c almond milk
1 t vanilla
1 c rice flour
4 T unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Green & Blacks)
1 t baking powder (the special, corn-free stuff)

Mix the oil, Splenda, almond milk, and vanilla. Add the flour, cocoa, and baking powder. Mix thoroughly. Spread into a greased 8x8 pan. Bake 20 minutes at 350.


Crumby. Dry. The taste isn't bad, but it's not quite sweet enough.

(Sorry about the blurriness.)

I need something that's going to give it moisture. (Oh, sure, and egg would work wonders. But, you know.) It also needs more sugar, which means it needs more liquid. I'm not sure how to fix this one. Ideas? Or should I just give the victory to the brownies and hang up my gloves?

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